LRG(s): Local and Regional Government(s)
CDDG: European Committee on Democracy and Governance
CEMR: Council of European Municipalities and Regions
CLRAE: Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe
CoE: Council of Europe
ECHR: European Convention on Human Rights
GDP: Gross domestic product
LRG(s): Local and Regional Government(s)
OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
UCLG: United Cities and Local Governments
Respondents’ associations name and acronyms
AGC : Association of German Cities
AKM: Association of Kosovo Municipalities
AFLRA: Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities
ANMP: Portugal’s National Association of Municipalities
CCA: Croatian County Association
COSLA : Convention of Scottish Local Authorities
ELVL: Association of Estonian Cities and Municipalities
FEMP : Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces
GATM : German Association of Towns and Municipalities
GCA : German County Associations
KL: Danish Regions
KS : Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities
LALRG : Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments
LGDK: Local Government Denmark
NALAG: National Association of Local Governments of Georgia
NAMRB : National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria
SALAR: Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions
SCTM: Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities of Serbia
SMOCR: Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic
TÖOSZ: Hungarian National Association of Local Authorities
VNG: Association of Netherlands Municipalities
WLGA : Welsh Local Government Association
UMT: Union of Municipalities of Turkey